Tuesday, June 05, 2007

6/4/07 Show - Lesser-Known Bands of Post-Punk

These were the bands that never could quite catch a break. Even on my show, dedicated solely to them, there were technical problems, blimp problems, blimp attacks, emotionally distant blimps, and a Leprechaun that only I could see. First off, occasionally, when I had a CD queued up but wasn't ready to play it, it would just play by itself anyway. Thanks. That's a good quality in a CD player. The there was the funny little problem where that same funny little CD player, the right side of it, where it would only play one channel of audio. So some of these songs come to you in the magic of mono. For all of you musicians out there hoping to make it, remember that it's not just about how well you write songs or play your instruments or whether or not you have the look or whatever. To be remembered, you also have to be good at curse-avoiding. Or at least, better than these bands were.

But to you the listnener, I hope you won't let a little thing like a gypsy curse stand in the way of your listening. The gypsy's had no homes! How bad could their curses really be? The Leprechaun is a larger issue but as far as I can tell, he is not present on this link to last night's show:


Though he may be all over this playlist:

Andy Fell - Human Sexual Response
No Place Like Home - The Neighborhoods
Pleasure - Girls at our Best!
Maxine - The Photos
Faceless - Eyeless in Gaza
Fairy Tales - Stockholm Monsters
First Time - The Boys
The Iron Fence - The Wild Swans
Hard Lines - The Jolt
Sorry For Laughing - Josef K
Skeletons - The Sound
Two Cabs To The Toucan - Models
New Ways Our Best - TV Smith
Steady Eddie Steadie - Fashion
Rock Europeu - Fellini
Bonerack - Tennage Head
Inside Out - Henry Badowski
Shame - The Lucy Show
I Want To Help You, Ann - The Lyres
Co-Ordinates - In Camera
Footsteps in the Dark - Jo Broadberry and the Standouts
Pathetique - Close Lobsters
Crash - Love Tractor
The Last White Christmas - Basement 5
Christine Keeler - Glaxo Babies
Pilot of Beka - Cactus World News
I Wouldn't Go Out With Me Either - Viewfinder


Blogger Unknown said...

Here's the Kino Digital Video link Alex mentioned on the show:


11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the band Viewfinder. Weird.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Alex said...

Wait, really? What happened to you guys? That Stars on Ice album was wonderful! I've been championing it ever since it came out.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We made a 3 song EP (about a year after that album came out) that never got released. Wanna hear it?

PS - Thanks for playing us.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

Oh yeah, I would LOVE to hear it. How come it didn't get released and you guys broke up?

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were young, we didn't know what we were doing (still don't). We made the EP and broke up the band like a month later. There is more to the story of course... will tell you about it another time. How can I get your mailing address? email?

8:40 AM  
Blogger Alex said...

Again this is really weird. I could have sworn I posted a reply with my email address - alexness@toysforbob.com, yet it must have been a dream. But yes, I would LOVE to hear that EP. Thanks so much for the offer. If you'd prefer not to trust the US and their postal service, I could probably find a place online for the mp3s. Thanks again.

10:37 PM  
Blogger pbrchicken said...

Yeah! This is probably this most obscurist, most post-punkist broadcast I've ever heard!!! Great job, and thanks for this awesome show.. I'll keep listening...

-- pbrchx

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for shouting out my KDV website....visit when U like


12:06 AM  

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